I figured out something today about the best clients I love to work with. They all have some very specific traits in common that have nothing to do with the industry they’re in, how much money they’re making, or whether they’re men or women.
I did a two-hour Make Some Room Rendezvous this morning with a new client. We went through all the normal questions about her business, her systems, and her piles. We chatted about email, technology, delegation and other important stuff.
We were down to about 10 minutes left in the session. And something continued to nag me.
I finally asked her, “Why do you do what you do? Why did you leave the safety and security of your job to start this business?”
Her answer made everything click for me: “I have something to say and I didn’t feel like I could say it within the confines of my job.”
Ah. Now we’re talking!
It was beautiful to watch her slip into her power mode. To say with conviction that her ideas were out-of-the-box and provocative. They would change her industry. And she wanted the freedom to step into that.
Don’t get me wrong, systems and processes are important. Running a business well is important.
And, more important than that (to me, anyway) is how it takes vulnerability to say what you feel, especially when it’s different than what everyone else is saying.
It’s important to me to see clients act with courage as they step into self-employment and business ownership and all the highs and lows that come with it.
It’s important to me to honor the bravery it takes to sign a lease on a bigger office space, to buy a building, hire team members, or to decide “this is the only kind of work I will do because it makes me feel good. When I feel good, I do my best work.”
And I’ll tell you, until I can connect with a client at that level of vulnerability, courage, and bravery, it’s really hard for me to get excited about working with them.
Those three elements are everything to me. I’ve worked hard myself to embrace and embody those traits. My soul sings when I get to connect with someone at that level of authenticity.
I do my best work from this place. And actually, so do my clients.
When you’re ready to really embrace and step into your vulnerability, courage, and bravery, I’d love to work with you.
And yes, we’ll get you organized and systematized and that stuff — and we’ll have a damn fine reason for doing it, too.
Afterall, you’re here to change the world. So am I. And I’d be honored to do it together.