Part of the work I love doing with clients is finding alternative uses for products they already have that solve a real problem they’re currently dealing with.
This time I got to solve a problem for myself using a product I got from Carolina Pad.
It’s an attache-type file holder that’s really supposed to be used for papers. But I wasn’t having issues with papers. I was having an issue with random “things” floating around in my work bag.
So, I re-purposed the file holder and turned it into a “stuff” holder. Check it out:
The result? I show up looking really organized, having all the items I need for client work, and completely eliminate any stress I might have over “forgetting” important items.
Having a small, lightweight auxilliary carrier is a great idea for those of us who don’t carry briefcases & such. My purse isn’t big enough – nor my shoulder strong enough – to carry all the extra business items for networking meetings, such as lots of extra business cards, notebooks, headsets & other phone accessories, the latest biz book to read between meetings. So packing a small attache case & keeping it in the car would overcome multiple organizing challenges.
Over the years, I’ve collected many bags from business events, so, rather than buy a new container, I looked around to see what I had on the premises. And there it was, a sturdy but unused zip-topped laptop bag, about the same size as the Carolina Pad item you reviewed. Voila! Thanks for the idea.
I am so glad this was helpful for you! Thanks for sharing your solution. 🙂