Scroll down for the invitation I’ve been promising…but first…
I want to contrast a couple of conversations I’ve had with business owners in the last few weeks. The conversations say a lot about the success or struggle a business owner will face today and in the future.
The first scene is this: two business partners are taking a hard look at the state of their company. They’re seeing a business that is chugging along. Good staff, good systems, mostly goodness all around. Except for a couple things: the owners are…not bored, exactly, but moreso kind of comfortable. They’ve settled into a routine of reacting to fires, being the bottleneck and being comfortable letting business come to them.
And that’s all good…until it’s not. And these two business partners are eager to avoid the “until it’s not” scenario. They called me to help them focus, get organized, be more productive, and for some kick-in-the-pants accountability. They are “all in” in terms of investing time, money, and energy into this engagement with me. Very proactive, I must say.
The second scene: a small business owner, who for a few years has been trying to get two businesses off the ground. She approached me with one specific complaint based on something we discussed at a networking event.
Our conversation started with her saying she forgot her computer, which “is a shame since I wanted you to show me really quick how to get a handle on my inbox today.” The conversation continued with my explaining it’s about a 2-hour process for this to be effective. We chatted a bit more about her email overwhelm. I share with her the investment for the session and she immediately asked for a discount.
The moral and point of my sharing these two stories?
The first scenario of business partners is exactly the kind of motivated clients I want to work with. The second…not so much.
As you ponder this, today’s the day I promised to share details about my upcoming business retreat.
If you see yourself in the first scenario (even a little bit), I invite you to keep reading. You are exactly the kind of person I hope will join me the end of January to see how impactful systems can be in running your business.
If you’re the second, there’s no need for you to read further.
For all of you in Camp #1: I’m SO excited to share this retreat information with you. Especially if…
- your business is growing…and you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed
- you’re seeing more business coming down the pike…and you’re a bit concerned about being able to handle it all
- you’re regularly running out of time and energy, yet feeling positive overall about your business growth prospects
- you’re wanting to change your role in the business, to work ON it more than you’re working IN it (at least some of the time)
- you are in growth mode and are considering adding team members in 2013 (and you want to do it right)
To that end, I invite you to click over to read the full details of the retreat invitation. Once you have perused the page, if you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me so we can discuss if this retreat is right for you.
I’ll end with this: Where do you want to be this time next year, in business and in life?
Whether you do anything or not, the time will pass. Question is, will you be happy with your results?
P.S. If you know of a business owner (or two!) who want a different relationship with their business for 2013, please share this invitation with them.