(Most of) My clients are business owners (seasoned, long-term) and executives who share some similarities:
- They’ve tried all the coaches, consultants, and courses and can’t seem to find a solution to what ails them.
- They “appear” to be winning in business and life, but inside…they know the truth is they are miserable.
- They fantasize sometimes about burning it all to the ground and running away to Tahiti (okay, maybe all of us do that sometimes…)
- They have a sneaking suspicion that they have never actually defined SuCcEsS for themselves.
- They feel “meh” about business and life (apathy is real and like a burr in their butt)
- A life or business crisis is magnifying their unhappiness.
- They feel lost running their business or trying to continue to navigate their career.
See, most coaches, consultants, and courses start with goals and numbers and strategies and try to work from there. And for a certain set of people, that IS very effective…
But for the people who work with me?
We toss out the numbers, goals, and strategies in order to dig down into the gooey warm (or cold, numb) center of the PERSON.
The stuckness is REAL, but no amount of motivation or striving or hustling is going to work.
Because of the lack of internal clarity. OR because of CRYSTAL CLEAR internal clarity but a reluctance to SAY THE PROBLEM OUT LOUD.
A client’s own words:
“When discussing self-discovery…I couldn’t help blurt out Angie’s name and multiple examples of how my work with her had lead me to “10x” (ten times better) my life. The journey she took me on calmed me…all the way through stages that restored my mind, body, and soul. I learned to love myself and see what I wanted and believe I could attain it AND a core of peace at the same time. (Vs the “no pain no gain” method I had been using to achieve goals)…I’m living my life with ease and continuing to practice integrity in each day, each opportunity as it arises.” Business Owner, 10+ years in business, feeling that apathy and approaching burnout
If any of this resonates with you, let’s talk. I can help.
PS: Other happenings
- Be Wilder! Backpacking + Wayfinding Adventure (April 8 – 10). Currently SOLD OUT.
- Mind & Body Wellness Weekend at Earthshine Lodge in Rosman, NC. Details: Mind & Body Wellness Weekend at Earthshine Lodge