Somebody I know and admire died from Covid last week. He had retired just over three years ago. Visited Cuba three weeks ago. He was only in his 60s.
Another person I know and admire – in his 50’s – just had one of those “widow maker” kind of heart attacks. Caused by stress, his doctors said. He survived, thank goodness, and now has strict instructions to work less.
The point of this writing isn’t for you to give me any comments about “I’m sorry for your loss” or “So sorry this happened to your friend.”
The point is to say: LIFE IS SHORT.
–> Go do the things you’re dreaming about.
–> Don’t wait for retirement…cuz it may never come…or it may be way shorter than you were planning on.
–> As Greg McKeown says, “Rest. Is. A. Responsibility.” It simply cannot be all work, all the time, without a moment to breathe, think, pee, eat, or rest. It simply cannot be.
–> Are you MAKING TIME for true pleasure, deep rest, fun recreation, long vacations, or even months-long sabbaticals? Even if you love your work? Especially if you love your work?
Life is TOO SHORT to be stressed out and miserable every darn day of it. No amount of money is worth it.
This “hustle and grind” culture we’re living in can go pound rocks.
Give me my kayak and a 22 day river trip. THAT IS LIVING.
(P.S. Sorry the rant today. I’m a little fired up.)