“One of the best things I’ve done for myself in a long time!” Ashley Feit Ashley shared this about her experience after attending my 6-day Salmon River Slowdown retreat. This retreat IGNITED a love for life and adventure in her. Even through the hard parts of wind (especially the WIND), rain, sand, and cold, I […]
I cannot believe you did that!
Husbands to wives and friends to friends who attended the Salmon River Slowdown a couple of weeks ago: “I CANNOT believe you did that.” Ladies in the trip: “HELL YES I DID BECAUSE I AM A BADASS.” Getting out of your comfort zone…sometimes WAY WAY OUT OF IT…is the perfect way to see what you’re […]
I’ve returned from the Frank Church Wilderness of No Return!
We are back safe and (mostly) sound after an epic 80+ mile rafting adventure on the main Salmon River in Idaho. The Frank Church Wilderness of No Return is STUNNING. Full of history, characters, and a variety of folks still living full-time in and around the river. The women who joined me and Sylke Laine […]
One seat remaining!
Did you know we have ONE seat available still for August’s Salmon River Slowdown???? It’s your opportunity to travel to an AMAZING place – Idaho’s Main Salmon River flows through the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness for 82 miles. We’ll be unplugged and slowing WAY down. Rafting and hiking by day, sleeping river side […]
Can you honestly answer this question?
“But do you LOVE yourself?” I often ask my clients this rather revealing question. I usually get some combination of stunned silence, uncomfortable shifting around, or outright nervous laughter from them. The truth as I see it: if you don’t deeply love and appreciate YOU, there’s no other work to be doing. THIS is the […]
The Salmon River Slowdown Retreat – ONE spot remaining
We still have ONE spot available for the late August Salmon River Slowdown. I KNOW it is meant for someone out there. How do I know? Because I KNOW I’m hungry to disconnect from my phone and computer for a week. I’m hungry to sleep outside next to a river for a week. I’m hungry […]