If you feel like you’re just “going through the motions of life”…exhausted, flat, dissatisfied… If you’re holding on by your fingernails… If you *know* the way you talk to yourself in your head isn’t the same as how you talk to others… If you’re utterly exhausted doing ALL the things, unsure of how to change […]
What could happen for you in 100 Days?
I just wrapped up a short-sprint engagement with a client. Our focus: helping this client be more strategic and intentional making decisions and taking on new commitments (or not); working on confidence and assertiveness, and finding focus again. With one activity, she realized that having too much going on meant she was not being effective […]
Final day to register for Be Wilder Retreat!
You, plus up to seven other women, will enjoy backpacking, Forest Bathing, and campfires out in the clean, crisp air of Pisgah National Forest in the company of other like-minded women. Wasn’t the pace of 2022 just…exhausting? If you are feeling desperate for some time to unplug, slow down, and just BE, Jayne and I […]
Notes from Nature
Have you been yearning for MORE time in Nature? Did you know I wrote a very accessible and usable book to help you do just that? It’s called “Notes from Nature: Tune Into Your Inner Voice by Letting Nature Take the Lead” Here’s a nice review: “Angie Mattson Stegall talks about her own experiences on […]
Maybe it’s not imposter syndrome, it’s where you’re planted?
On Saturday afternoon, I was weeding my garden (hello, yes that’s me un-showered, great hair, dirty gardening shirt). The weeds were winning and I was trying to free my strawberries from their clutches! While I was digging, I realized there are two kinds of strawberries in my garden! There are wild strawberries – they have […]
What can a deck of cards do?
I have close to 20 different decks of cards in my collection… Nope, not playing cards… Oracle cards. Not Tarot (that’s a whole different skillset that hasn’t called to me). Oracle cards are meant to help you reach into your subconscious or unconscious for a message, inspiration, or possibly for instructions. Over and over, they […]