I’m having thoughts about control. Well, I’m actually thinking about control… No, more specifically I’m thinking about controlling my thoughts. Ah, that’s it. Step 1: Notice my current circumstances. There are facts. Neutral. Step 2: Notice my THOUGHTS about my current circumstances. Notice without judgment. Gently, and with compassion. Step 3: Notice the FEELINGS I […]
The Cycle of Change
I was talking with a potential client recently and she mentioned she’d let her self-care practices get dusty. “What used to be a 45-minute daily yoga practice has been slim down to an occasional 15 minute stretch,” she admitted. Much had changed recently in her world and she was struggling to find her footing. And […]
Unnaturally BUSY
Scheduled down to the minute every day of the week + weekend. Obligations fill the calendar. Dinner parties, work events, kids events, uncomfortable clothes, and shoes. Endless meetings. This isn’t natural for you is it? Or have you done it for so long that it DOES feel natural to you? (Except when you slow down […]
Finding your magic
In the busyness of this particular season of life, I forgot my magic for a minute. Things were feeling a tiny bit like a grind. Check this off, get through this, endure. And then yesterday, in the last 15 minutes of my nature-based executive client session, I was reminded TWICE about the magic of life. […]
Ways we unknowingly choose inner discomfort
One of the ways we harm ourselves is “choosing inner discomfort over outer discomfort.” I was listening to Glennon Doyle’s podcast “We Can Do Hard Things” and this statement stopped me in my tracks. Like, I literally had to pull the car over and grab my notepad to write it down. So many people talk […]
Ingredients for happiness
To celebrate the New Year and my hubby’s birthday (January 2nd) last year (2022), we rented a houseboat. That experience was SO FUN and got us talking about living in a boat in a BIG way. We were dreaming in many directions – back in an RV someday? What about motorcycles (hard to do with […]