I’m coaching two leaders – the Founder/President and the COO – in one amazing organization ($20M in revenue and 60+ employees). They have made some incredibly bold moves this year that are paying off handsomely in terms of leadership and organizational change. To be clear, I wouldn’t call myself their business coach…I’m more of a […]
Small Steps
“The smaller the steps we take, the more likely we are to achieve our goals.” ~Martha Beck THIS is why I love coaching with my clients for eight or 12 months. Small steps taken over a longer period time is actually the FASTEST way to achieve what we desire! Interested in changing your life in […]
Forgiveness is a Verb
Ya’ll, I have made some messes this past month. Human-type mistakes. Cringe-worthy snafus (is that a word? snafu? snafooo?) 🤭🫣🤔 Today I led my client out of the woods almost AN HOUR LATE. I spaced on the time we started (our normal start, by the way). When I realized the time, my thought was, “Oops, […]
Executive LIFE Coach
Here’s another truth about me… I’m a coach. An Executive Coach. An Executive LIFE Coach. I know life coaching get a bad rap. And with such a low bar for entry, it’s valid. The thing is, I’ve been coaching formally in some form or fashion since 2012. I’ve been coaching informally since 2003 when I […]
Time to EVOLVE?
This morning, I heard that Serena Williams was leaving tennis. And I was completely inspired by how she explained this change. She said, ““I have never liked the word ‘retirement. Maybe the best word to describe what I’m up to is ‘evolution.’” Gentle reader – are there signs in your personal or professional life that […]
You are Two-Faced
We are all two-faced – we’ve got a public face and a private face. It’s something I’m pondering a lot recently. I definitely have this public face – coach, writer, thinker, business woman, sometimes speaker. This part of me is organized, focused, and serious. Then there’s the private face. She’s loud, sings songs to her […]