I regularly read Ryan Holiday’s emails (he’s big on the Stoics and has written some exception books like “Stillness is the Key”). Ryan’s emails are filled with nuggets to ponder and chew on. This list of his was particularly excellent and I wanted to share it. Seems like decent instructions for life, doesn’t it? Warmly,Angie […]
Deep Contentment
Four years ago, I unexpectedly found myself in a place of utter contentment. I was driving around a campground in Alaska. The sun was out and it was warm, sunny Thursday. I was meditating on the idea of “chop wood and carry water” as I was slinging trash, scrubbing pit toilets, and updating reservation cards […]
Don’t suffer silently
Ya’ll…having a safe, supportive space to talk about business and life is VITAL to your success. You don’t have to do it alone. (Please don’t do it alone) You learn so much from others (Please find a space where you can be open, honest, and vulnerable with others) You don’t have to suffer in silence […]
Let’s talk about INSIGHTS… Often, I find my clients get stuck in the details. They are trying to solve a problem. And while on the surface, this seems reasonable, they are missing something FUNDAMENTAL. They are missing that the problem they are trying to solve is often A SYMPTOM of a larger issue…one that is […]
The heart of the matter
In a world that is complex and multi-layered, I have a unique gift for distillation. Not of facts and figures and concepts, but of people’s longings and desires. I see people. I see into people. I see into people’s HEARTS. I can distill a longing or desire into one word or phrase. I can hear […]
Get thee outside!
I’m joyfully consuming a book called, “The Comfort Crisis: Embrace Discomfort to Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self” by Michael Easter. Now, I am in NO WAY as hardcore as Professor Easter. What I am, though, is someone who has discovered what HE has brilliantly put into this book: Our “comfortable” modern lives are making […]