This poem terrifies me for how the truth of it strikes me right in the heart. What if life is asking you to pause and stop what you are becoming? Sometimes if you move carefully through the forest breathing like the ones in the old stories who could cross a shimmering bed of dry leaves […]
Calling the courageous!
I feel like I need to apologize to all of my former business clients. They were hiring a consultant and what they got was something a bit…different…something that required them to be a bit more courageous than perhaps they were bargaining for. I learned this over the years as my clients started calling me their […]
All the feels
I adore words (and having written four books and counting, I have a lot of them) and all the feels they give me. And because words have power, I’m always looking for a word or even a phrase that says the exact right thing. I’ve also seek out words and phrases from other countries and cultures. Here are […]
Service or Selfish?
I sat down to write this blog post for tomorrow when my hubby walked into the office and asked me to go for a walk with him. For a second, I felt conflicted: when inspiration strikes, I know it’s time to sit and write. This is the last official thing on my To Do list […]
Finding your way in business
I recently had a long-time client write me a wonderful testimonial (which I’ll share below) about our coaching relationship and the power of my questions. I realized (again) that this very smart, driven, and wildly creative woman, who is very good at running and growing her business, finds enormous value in being asked powerful questions. […]
Breaking free
2018 is here. The world appears to be in turmoil. Broken, somehow. But, *I* am different. I have spent the last few years in deep inquiry about myself – who I really am, what matters to me, what my gifts are, what I love, what I will no longer tolerate. Somehow, the work I’ve done […]