Someone recently asked me about the one decision I made that got me to the place I am today in my business. ✅ I was a little incredulous. 😯 ONE decision? 😆 Goodness, no. It was a million tiny decisions. A million small pivots. A million microscopic choices. I’m 50 years old. At 18, when […]
When judgement is a reflection
So many of my clients are brilliant women – leaders, founders, business owners. There’s a few dudes in the mix, too. And dang are they hard on themselves! And dang if that doesn’t also make them hard on others. If that’s you… I see you. And I WAS YOU. And sometimes, because I’m human, I […]
When you hit a snag
Walking out of the forest last week with a client after an exceptional session of nature-based coaching (forest therapy, forest bathing, executive coaching…call it whatever you want). As we rounded a corner, her hat snagged on a briar. She stopped, stepped backward, gently untangled it, and started to walk forward. “STOP!” I said. “What just […]
Forest Therapy in the LA Times!
This is a WONDERFUL article that describes Forest Therapy really well. And you’re in luck – my final Forest Therapy Experience for 2023 happens Saturday, December 9th from 9 am – Noon at Latta Nature Preserve in Huntersville, NC. Will you join me? Warmly, Angie PS: Register for my December 9th Forest Therapy Walk […]
The comfort crisis
Often, the problem or issue or topic a client brings to our session isn’t actually “the thing” they’re wrestling with. OR it is and they’re making “the thing” they’re wrestling with bigger or more dramatic than it needs to be. “… [he] called this “prevalence-induced concept change.” Essentially “problem creep.” It explains that as we […]
Does your work or business cause your Core of Peace to hum louder?
My business consistently grows through referrals, word-of-mouth, and repeat clients. It’s been that way since I started my business in 2003 when my friend and mentor Karen Geiger sent out an introductory email to her list and said, “If you need business support, call Angie.” I got my first two clients from that incredibly generous […]