Let’s talk about INSIGHTS… Often, I find my clients get stuck in the details. They are trying to solve a problem. And while on the surface, this seems reasonable, they are missing something FUNDAMENTAL. They are missing that the problem they are trying to solve is often A SYMPTOM of a larger issue…one that is […]
The heart of the matter
In a world that is complex and multi-layered, I have a unique gift for distillation. Not of facts and figures and concepts, but of people’s longings and desires. I see people. I see into people. I see into people’s HEARTS. I can distill a longing or desire into one word or phrase. I can hear […]
Get thee outside!
I’m joyfully consuming a book called, “The Comfort Crisis: Embrace Discomfort to Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self” by Michael Easter. Now, I am in NO WAY as hardcore as Professor Easter. What I am, though, is someone who has discovered what HE has brilliantly put into this book: Our “comfortable” modern lives are making […]
Your internal compass
I recently had a stand-alone session with a long-term client who had a BIG opportunity open up before her. The backstory with this client is amazing – a TRUE Wayfinder’s Journey – which I’ll share in another post. But I wanted to talk about this stand-alone session with this client and the BIG opportunity. She […]
Apathy and Burnout
(Most of) My clients are business owners (seasoned, long-term) and executives who share some similarities: They’ve tried all the coaches, consultants, and courses and can’t seem to find a solution to what ails them. They “appear” to be winning in business and life, but inside…they know the truth is they are miserable. They fantasize sometimes […]
How distracted are you?
How distracted are you? Apparently, the collective “we” are so distracted that our attention span has collapsed to a mere 3-minute timeframe. THREE MINUTES. That’s how long we can focus on a task before we get pinged, binged, buzzed, alerted, or interrupted in some way (including the way our BRAIN starts looking for other stimulation). […]