When someone finally decides it’s time to work with me, they are often in a place of stuckness. They’ve tried a lot of things that haven’t worked. They have a negative feedback loop of not-nice thoughts on repeat. I hear, “Don’t you get tired of listening to me?” and “I don’t know what I’m doing.” […]
Loving your parts!
One of the things I don’t talk a whole lot about is Parts work. I’m practicing it for myself with myself and I use a modified version with my clients when they are really stuck. The modality is called “Internal Family Systems” and it has been a HUGE game changer for me personally and for […]
She’s Hippie!
My practice is built through referral, mostly. Some version of “Angie is wildly different than other coaches but she is very effective” is part of the email introduction. I’ve also heard, “She’s way more hippy than I ever thought I’d work with, but she’s very effective.” <–That one made me laugh out loud. The people […]
How are you nurturing yourself?
How are you NURTURING yourself these days? It’s been a stressful couple of years. Lots of people are coming undone over things that they might have more easily managed before. We are ALL under-resourced in some areas. So, gentle reader, what feels nurturing and “cup filling” for YOU? Warm baths Hot tea Hanging with friends […]
Feeling joy…burnout?
This is me when I was three years old. We were living overseas because of my dad’s military service. And apparently, I was having the time of my life! When I look at this picture, I see a whole lot of joy. I hope you have pictures of yourself at this age that exude this […]
Truly loving YOURSELF!
The more I work with people on the Wayfinding Journey, the more similarities I see. Here’s a BIG one: women who feel WAY TOO MUCH as kids or young women. They don’t have the resources, tools, or ability to cope, so they shut. it. down. Enter: walls. Numbing. Self-judgement. Hiding. Pretending. Fighting. Fleeing. Freezing. Frothing. […]