“The way of the Essentialist means living by design, not by default. Instead of making choices reactively, the Essentialist deliberately distinguishes the vital few from the trivial many, eliminates the nonessentials, and then removes obstacles so the essential things have clear, smooth passage. In other words, Essentialism is a disciplined, systematic approach for determining where […]
“Happiness” doesn’t seem like enough
A Vice President of some major corporation heard me speak. He said to someone nearby, “Happiness just doesn’t seem like enough.” And I found that be very telling. Maybe he got stuck on the word “happiness.” A lot of people do because they believe no one can be happy all the time. Maybe. Maybe not. […]
Fast or Slow
I go hiking to clear my head. Among the trees and trails, there’s not much calculated thinking happening when I’m forced to concentrate on getting air into and out of my lungs with enough regularity that I don’t pass out. Plus, something amazing happens during or shortly after a stout hike: I have an epiphany. […]
HELP – A Cry of the Exhausted and Overwhelmed
A lot of people suffer from a sickness called “stuckness.” When you’re suffering from stuckness, there’s something you’re ignoring and/or are afraid of. The sneaky part is you may not even realize this. Rather, you think there’s an external solution. And you desire a simple “fix.” Here’s how it manifests in real life: –> You’re […]
Coaching for impact and insight
I LOVE waking up to emails from clients like this: “Feeling so empowered and clear after our call yesterday. Thank you for coaching me through a messy morning. Talking with you creates quick and big shifts!! My coaching is about IMPACT and INSIGHT, not about a certain number of hours together. My coaching is about […]
Life is a journey
My life has been a journey, and an especially exciting and slightly chaotic one for the last eight years. I met my husband Nelson on the internet in 2011. And when you’ve found your person, you know it. Soon after, I sold my house in Charlotte NC and moved to Kannapolis NC to live with […]