I’m thinking about the word LIBERATION today. Definition: “The act of liberating or setting free; deliverance from restraint or confinement; enlargement; disengagement, as from constraint or obligation, or from mixture: as, liberation from prison or from debt; the liberation of a country from tyrannical government.” My journey of liberation has been years in making. Is […]
Dudes matter, too!
When I started my business WAY BACK in 2003, I worked about 50/50 with men and women. Somewhere in those years, it switched to 60/40 men and women. In the last few years, I’ve worked almost exclusively with women (probably 10/90 men/women). I had a story that the kind of work I was doing only […]
How do we know?
I’m listening to a fascinating interview between Tim Ferriss and one of the people that I deeply respect Boyd Varty. He has mentored under Martha Beck, too. This morning, I’m pondering a question that Boyd posed: “How do we know when we know?” I hear a lot of people respond with, “I don’t know” when […]
Just BEE yourself!
“I want to see how far someone can go in their own thinking before they need mine.” – Nancy Kline Powerful coaching starts and ends with powerful questions. Because often the problem you think you have isn’t the actual problem…it’s just a symptom. Drawing out HOW you’re thinking often leads us in the direction of […]
When it’s finally time to stop suffering!
When someone finally decides it’s time to work with me, they are often in a place of stuckness. They’ve tried a lot of things that haven’t worked. They have a negative feedback loop of not-nice thoughts on repeat. I hear, “Don’t you get tired of listening to me?” and “I don’t know what I’m doing.” […]
Loving your parts!
One of the things I don’t talk a whole lot about is Parts work. I’m practicing it for myself with myself and I use a modified version with my clients when they are really stuck. The modality is called “Internal Family Systems” and it has been a HUGE game changer for me personally and for […]