I have the most amazing clients! They are brave, super smart, business-focused (and successful), and each of them have the loveliest bit of “woo-woo” about them. And, they often share feedback with me during and after our time working together, which I wanted to share with you. If you’ve been on the fence about working […]
What is the problem you wake up to every morning?
I know how I answer this question: the problem I wake up to every morning is a rambunctious kitten who is eager to be fed. That’s my “safe” and funny answer. It’s true, but not exactly deep. The deeper problem I wake up to each morning is: how I can I connect to and serve […]
Success is public; struggle is private
Unless you’re Monica Lewinsky (who, by the way, is brilliant, hilarious, and doing amazing work in the world), most people’s success is very public and their struggles are very private. There’s that saying on social media that everyone is comparing their insides (private) to other people’s outside (public). You don’t have to struggle alone. Truly. […]
What beliefs do you still have?
What beliefs do you still have [about time, money, work, love, family, or leadership] that are the same beliefs your mom, dad, or grandparents have? If you look carefully, you will see that you can trace many of your beliefs back 2-4 generations… Are those beliefs working for you? Are you sure? Have you ever […]
What would life be like if you responded differently?
In a world that is alllllllllllllllll about reacting to whatever is happening in the moment… DING EMAILSRING PHONESBONG ALERTS from 50 appsMOM/DAD/BOSS requestsand more Have you ever stopped to wonder what would happen if you slowed down and gave yourself some TIME to RESPOND? How differently would your interacts go?How different would your responses be?How […]
Become the untroubled space in a troubled world.
Tomorrow is Christmas in the USA. I’m surrounded by my family, which for some people, can be fraught with emotional turmoil and upheaval and judgment and a whole bunch of other stuff. In my world, I am striving to not let the chaos get to me. I want to be the untroubled space in a […]