One of my favorite “thinkers” out there is Seth Godin. He’s written 18 or 19 books by now. And I’m going to share (in its entirety) one of his recent blogs (he blogs a lot, way more than me. Probably daily. But his blogs are usually pretty short. Heh.). Seth says: “The short-term stuff is […]
Baby steps and focus
So you know I just published my third book, right? Several people have asked me how I’m able to write so much, so often, for these eNotes and still publish three books (with another one on the way this winter). My reply? Baby steps and focus. The baby steps are showing up each day to […]
May I have your attention, please?
I spent some time reading yesterday afternoon in a coffee shop. There were two pretty meaty articles I’d printed out and I needed some time and space to settle in to read them with full attention. After I ordered my iced coffee and found out they had gluten-free ginger cookies (sold!), I settled into a […]
Urgent vs Important (and quieting the urgent drumbeat)
I’m listening to a new book during my “Car University” time (which is me driving 45 minutes back and forth to Asheville or two hours back and forth to Charlotte – both bigger cities where my clients tend live). I’m only a couple of chapters in and already a theme is jumping out at me. […]
Time to purge (Day 16 of 31 Days of Organizing)
This month I have talked to so many people who want to clear out their clutter. “It’s time to get rid of stuff,” they say. As my hubby and I are in the middle of our own very big purge (we’re downsizing again from 900 sq. ft. to becoming minimalists living in a tiny house), […]
Talk is cheap (Day 15 of 31 Days of Organizing)
I was reminded recently about a marketing study on laundry detergent where researchers discovered something amazing about people: feeling clean was more important to people than being clean. As long as their laundry detergent made their clothes look and feel clean, people were happy. They didn’t even care about scientific studies that showed one detergent […]