Yesterday, I told the truth. It popped out of my mouth about 30 minutes into a session with my coach. I was feeling FLAT. Unenthused about life. About business. And [gulp] about serving my clients. I was ready to do the quitting thing, pack my backpack up, and go live in the woods alone. Until […]
Juneberry Ridge Regenerative Farm Stay
I’m SO EXCITED to announce my partnership with Juneberry Ridge in Norwood, North Carolina, to offer forest bathing experiences this spring (March, April, and May)! The entire Regenerative Farm Stay weekend has been planned to help relax with yoga offerings, forest bathing, and creative learning experiences so you’ll leave recharged and rejuvenated (but only after […]
The importance of ritual and routine
I was reading a sweet piece this morning on Substack about the importance of rituals. It brought me right back to river trips and how the rituals of a multi-day adventure are important for so many reasons: Safety: when we check and double-check our rigging, our PFDs, and when needed, our helmets, plus our upcoming […]
Dreaming a dream…
I’m so thrilled to share that we only have FOUR seats left for the upcoming Salmon River Slowdown! When I sleep, I dream of floating this river. Green waters holding us, journeying with us as we shed, unfold, and stretch out and into our fullest selves. I imagine how these 10 women will feel as […]
Find a way to do THIS for your health
During a Be Wilder Backpacking + Wayfinding Adventure retreat last year with Jayne Fought of Island Ford Adventures, we invited our participants to “sit spot” on the last day by a waterfall. The sun was out and it was a truly glorious morning. Hilarious because the two days before were sleeting/snowing and about 37 degrees. […]
Three feet from everything you want
I’d just settled in for my sit spot this morning, adjusted my sweatshirt, got my seat comfy, and sighed in pleasure as the bright sunshine hit my body in just the right way, when I heard my little cat Kovu inside the house scratching hard at the window above me. He regularly paws at the […]