I would like to gently encourage you to practice what Martha Beck calls “being in perpetual creative response” to whatever is happening right now.
Life is going to continue to challenge us.
Change is going to happen, often faster than we are comfortable with.
A life skill worth practice and mastering is being in perpetual creative response to whatever is happening in this moment. It means getting very comfortable with change in all areas of life.
Part of self-leadership is noticing how your body feels. It’s noticing emotions as they arise. It’s going, “Ah ha! I feel that I am holding my breath and I notice I am feeling terrified” and fixing your posture so you can inhale mindfully. And then going into compassionate inquiry with the part of you that is experiencing terror.
It’s noticing when you’re moving or talking way too fast.
It’s noticing when your tone is too harsh or your volume is too loud. Or the opposite – your tone isn’t confident or your volume is too low.
Being in perpetual creative response is trusting yourself to handle whatever is happening right now with confidence and power.
Eat well. Rest. Stretch. Exercise. WASH YOUR HANDS! Practice
stillness. These things allow you to build resilience.
Resilience means you have enough of what you need in this moment.
Resilience is how you endure: a bank of time, energy, and attention for creative response.
The more thoughtfully and creatively you can respond, the more truly powerful you are.
Enjoy the practice!
PS: Sometimes I don’t know how my hair does what it does! ?
PPS: Other happenings
- Be Wilder! Backpacking + Wayfinding Adventure (April 8 – 10). Currently SOLD OUT.
- Mind & Body Wellness Weekend at Earthshine Lodge in Rosman, NC. Details: Mind & Body Wellness Weekend at Earthshine Lodge