A powerful shift you can offer yourself is to think about investing time rather than spending it.
I invest time in coaching – both being coached and watching others coach. This lifts my skillset exponentially.
I invest time reading. I both learn information and recognize good writing. this lifts my writing skillset exponentially.
I invest time going on expeditions. My boundaries are pushed outward and I learn what I’m capable of that I didn’t know before the expedition. I also learn new skills in a way that doesn’t happen indoors or in books. The kinesthetic experience is magic.
I invest time resting. My daily sit spot practice is anywhere from 9 minutes to an hour an half, depending on where I am. This practice builds my resilience, my ability to endure life’s challenges. It quiets my mind. It helps me focus on nature, her patterns, her growth and her decay, and her simple beauty.
Gentle reader, how will you invest your time today? This week? This month?
If you want some help, PM me and let’s talk.