Today’s message from the Universe for me is around FUN.
AS IN: HAVE FUN, girl!
Don’t take it all so seriously.
Even when the pets are boring. Even when my pants are fitting a little tight. Even when the mother-in-law is extra cranky. EVEN when the line at Starbucks is soooooooo long.
Today I get to focus on a bunch of pre-work for a training I’m taking in September. Which means I get to READ and LEARN most of the day HOORAY! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
I have only one client call today – she’s been with me two years and inspires the hell out of me with her dreams, her actions, and her spirit.
And, I’ve decided I’m selling a kayak I bought last year. Why? Well…I want a different one. One that is BEAUTIFUL and sleek and fiberglass. The one I’ve chosen is RED. I plan to learn to roll that baby and take her on amazing adventures. There are MANY miles still to be paddled.
It’s FriYAY, so hopefully, my beloved hubs and I will do something FUN tonight, too.
Gentle reader – life can be heavy. The news can be sucky (is almost always sucky). People in your household might be cranky.
BUT BUT BUT…how can you go and make some FUN for yourself?
Choose JOY. Choose BEAUTY. Choose ART. Choose SILLY.
Choose wisely…in the direction of FUN!
PS: This photo of me is somewhere on the St. Mary’s River in Georgia. It had been raining continuously and we were paddling into a strong headwind. Oh, and AGAINST the tide. And trying to find a place to sleep that was somewhat dry and flat while not trespassing on private property. It was day on a 340 mile, two river, one swamp kayaking expedition from the east coast/Atlantic Ocean at the Florida/Georgia line down to the Gulf of Mexico. Hard work? YES! Good fun? Also YES!