A lot of people suffer from a sickness called “stuckness.” When you’re suffering from stuckness, there’s something you’re ignoring and/or are afraid of.
The sneaky part is you may not even realize this. Rather, you think there’s an external solution. And you desire a simple “fix.”
Here’s how it manifests in real life:
–> You’re stuck. Frustrated. Anxious. Some things are okay, but one or two are NOT.
–>You can shake the feeling that something is amiss. You try to ignore it by working harder or doing more. “Ah,” you think, “I need to get organized. My business just needs a system.” (Personally it might sound like “I’ll lose weight” or “I’ll take a road trip” or “I’ll go get a certification/license/Master’s degree.”)
–> You believe once you have the perfect system, organizing trick, or certification, that’ll fix everything.
Problem is, gentle reader, external fixes generally don’t solve internal problems.
The Reality
If you have a deep longing for something in life or business to be very, very different, and you’re ignoring it, it’ll show up as chaos, confusion, drama, unrest, fear, disease, disorganization, procrastination, etc.
My job is to point this out. To ask the right questions in a safe environment. To allow you the space and courage to admit the truth: there’s something you want that you don’t have.
Once you admit that, then things can start to change.
However, until you admit that, the disorder, confusion, unrest, fear, disease, disorganization, procrastination, drama, etc. won’t go away.
Are You Ready?
Are you ready to admit there’s something you want that you don’t have?
And I’m not talking about anything materialistic (like a Ferrari or a yacht). I’m talking Soul-level, put-on-this-earth-to-make-an-impact stuff.
–> Write a book (or lots of them)
–> Teach a new way
–> Change an old way
–> Impact children (or adults)
–> Heal people (there are lots of different ways to do that)
–> Nourish people
–> Grow a successful business
–> Sell or close a struggling one
–> Travel the world
–> Solve a global problem (or a local one)
–> Create a new game (rather than changing or fixing the old one)
What’s your thing?
Not sure?
Let’s talk.