I once read a story about a man in a village. A researcher visited this man’s village and he noticed that they did not have many extra stores of food. The researcher asked the man about this and the man replied, “I store my extra food in the belly of my brother.”
Hungarian-Canadian physician and author, Gabor Maté coined the term “hungry ghosts.”
❌ The insatiable hunger for more…❌
❌ Massive consumption of material things…❌
❌ Hoarding money and resources…❌
Here’s the truth, though: humans need of far less of those material things and WAY MORE of each other.
Loving ourselves first.
Caring for our hearts, tending our Souls, moving our physical bodies, and challenging our brains.
Next is caring for each other – in relationship, being deeply heard and truly seen by one another.
These are the actual things we need. These things fill us up. THIS is how we get satisfied.
How’s your equation going? Are you pouring your time and efforts into yourself and others…or have your Hungry Ghosts gotten too powerful?
Seriously…I’d like to know.