IF you’re feeling the absurdity of this moment…
IF you’re feeling the upside down-ness of the world…
IF you’re feeling like it’s now or never to find your warm, powerful center and HOLD IT like never before…
IF you have some suspicions that how you’ve been doing things is no longer serving you…
IF you have a weird/good feeling about the world and your connection to the Great I AM or Mama Nature or your intuitive abilities…
IF you are SO DONE feeling overly responsible for everyone and everything in your life…
IF you are noticing a new interest in how poetry opens your heart…
IF you’ve ever had a deliberate or accidental conversation with trees, rocks, plants, or water…
IF you are longing to be part of a community of the same…
Then this is your sign to join me for the Explore Your Wild Insides Group coaching/community experience.
It’s four months of gathering on the Zooms for powerful questions, radical truth-telling, deep inquiry, self-compassion, and stillness + exploration in Nature thru guided virtual forest therapy experiences with a supportive group of amazing folks.
Interested? DM me and I’ll send you all the details. We officially start the first Thursday in March.
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