Ignoring emails can lead to disaster…
This weekend, Nelson and I cut up a lot of tomatoes.
When I say a lot I mean pounds of them. I wish we had weighed them before we started. If I had to guess, I’d say we processed more than 30 pounds.
We cleaned, chopped, and sliced.
Our goals: tomato sauce and sun-dried tomatoes.
We ended up with three quart bags of sun-dried and almost two gallons of sauce.
It’s all delicious AND it was hard work that took time.
And the thing with tomatoes is, you can’t let them sit for too long. If you do, they begin to rot. After that, they begin to ooze. After that, well, they just liquify into a pool of ick of the counter. And it smells.
Basically, tomatoes are perishable. They have a expiration date.
Bleck and phew!
Let’s go a different direction for a second and have a visualization about something I bet you ignore.
Suppose for a second your email messages have an expiration date. If you don’t do something with them, if you are in the habit of ignoring emails, they begin to rot. Then they begin to ooze. And soon, they turn to liquid and destroy your computer.
Would that give you some incentive to handle those email messages more quickly? (I bet it would.)
But oh I can hear it now: But, Angie! I dont’ know what to DO with so many of my email messages. I don’t have TIME to deal with them. And they STRESS me out. I deal only by ignoring my emails! (I’m familiar with the drama…really. Keep reading.)
Poppycock, I say!
And lucky for you, emails don’t actually begin to stink and expire. That’s why you let them sit.
Now, let’s go back to the tomatoes.
I was completely overwhelmed all week as Nelson brought in bags and boxes of super-ripe tomatoes.
“We are never going to get a handle on this,” I groaned, clutching my stomach for dramatic effect.
But we did. And it happened over the course of the weekend, one tomato at a time. And we worked as a team cleaning, cutting and slicing.
Now – full stop.
I want to join YOUR team. I want to show YOU how to not be overwhelmed with all your email. The good thing is it won’t take us two days – it’ll take us two hours.
And I’ll show you how in my guide with five easy steps: “How Not to Have 2,148 Emails in your Inbox.”
Two hours to get rid of hundreds or thousands of backlogged emails. Yes, I’m perfectly serious.
And it’s time you did it, too, because you’ve got WAY more important things to do than stress over stupid email.
Things like taking care of your awesome customers and creating new products or services. Or maybe being you’re needing to be fully present for your family at dinner (put down the smartphone, please!). Or perhaps, like me, you have a lot of garden goodness to process. Right. Now.
Whatever it is, don’t let email keep you from it.
All you have to do is contact me and say, “Angie, I’m ready” and I’ll reach out to you and handle the rest.
Two hours. Out of overwhelm.
Sincerely, Angie