A friend and I were talking yesterday about having things to look forward. My husband and I speak about this often as well.
When the world is upside down, having exciting things to look forward to MATTERS.
Could I invite you to join me in something exciting? Actually there are two things to choose from (or choose both!):
- Explore Your Wild Insides – a community experience of getting to really know yourself, eliminating painful thoughts, reducing anxiousness (yes, even in an upside world), being in a supportive community, experiencing Nature in new and helpful ways, letting poetry lead you into your heart, and more. Sessions are the first three Thursday each month, officially March – June (though there are a few bonus sessions THIS month if you sign up early). Interested? DM me for the One Sheet with details.
- wildHER Rogue River Adventure! We’re going full immersion, with five days on the Rogue River in southeastern Oregon. Bright blue water, lush green landscape, and totally unplugged from the routines of everyday that feeling, well, a bit heavy these days, yes? Interested? DM me and I’ll share all the details with you!
I’m THRILLED to have things to look forward to. It keeps me sane and upright. It keeps me moving and grooving, even when the world is topsy-turvy.
Good people really matter and I love to surround myself with them. Wanna join us? Reach out!