I don’t talk about this part of my life much, but it’s hugely important to my well-being and physical health. For almost five years, I’ve been seeing a chiropractor who practices a very different methodology called “Network Spinal Analysis” (NSA). It’s more of a form of energy and breath work than the standard pop and crack method most chiropractors use.
Initially, I started seeing the chiro because I had lower back pain so horrendous that I couldn’t walk around in Target for more than 10 minutes before the concrete floors had me bent over with back pain. Within a few months of doing this work, my body has been healed from that pain. I can spend hours in Target now (just kidding…I’m so not a shopper) The point is: I could if I wanted to and that feels like freedom to me.
Anywhooo, now that my hubby and I live in the mountains, we’re switching to a practitioner of NSA closer to our new home. I went for an introductory talk last night and was excited to learn even more about what NSA is and what it does for the body.
Dr. Brian said something, though, which is really what compelled me to write this morning.
He said, “Information without action is frustration.”
With that simple statement, he helped me realize a lot of Universal issues that you and I are struggling with.
We are in the information age, right? There is so much information available to us it’s literally overwhelming!
Now we can “know” anything we want. We can collect, research, analyze, and think to our heart’s content.
But unless we put what we “know” into action, all we get is frustration. All the collecting, researching, analyzing, and thinking leads to…nothing.
Nothing at all unless we TAKE ACTION.
So, gentle reader, if you’re feeling frustrated about ANYTHING, if you’re feeling PAIN, if you’re feeling STUCK, that’s your body’s way of saying, “HEY: PAY ATTENTION! The time for mental gymnastics is OVER. Let’s get into ACTION.”
Enough navel gazing. Enough collecting. Enough thinking.
It’s the answer to your frustration, your pain, and your stuckness.
Make Some Room,
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