Most people think they have a time management problem.
The truth is, you have a thinking problem.
Here’s how to solve it:
STEP ONE: Take out a piece of paper.
Write DRAIN on the left and ENERGIZE on the right.
STEP TWO: Spend a week filling out the two columns: which things that you are doing DRAIN* you and which ENERGIZE you. Just go on with your day and have that paper nearby. Fill it out as you do tasks, have meetings, and interact with people.
*DRAIN feels like the energy is leaving your body through your feet. It feels hard to stand, much less get moving. It’s a leak – slow or fast.
STEP THREE: Once you have a healthy list, each week eliminate one thing that DRAINS you. Decide to never, ever take it back. In fact, those things go on the DON’T DO list I mentioned a few posts back.
With this simple action, six months from now you’ll have radically changed how you use your time. Within a year, your fulfillment and satisfaction about life will be through the roof.
PS: I recently took social media OFF my phone. It was a total energy drain. I feel so much better already.
PPS: If you’d like some help with this, I’d like to help you!