Life is fluid.
A dichotomy.
A duality.
A series of choices, based on your values, which, interestingly, are also fluid.
There’s a time to go hard in business.
To go gently with the personal challenges.
And a time to step back and ride the flow.
Priorities change, shift.
Personal focus ~~~ Professional focus.
Outward focus ~~~ Inward focus.
There’s a rhythm to life.
Knowing where you are at any time is a powerful skill.
Here’s what I know….
Modern life wants ALL of YOU. Every shred of your time, energy, and attention. And then some.
Life and work will wring you DRY if you let it.
Don’t give “them” that much access. That much power.
Choose you.
Choose your times to go slower. To unplug. To stop. To sing and dance and nap (if you haven’t read “Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto” by Tricia Hersey, it’s time. There’s power in examining your beliefs around constant productivity).
And gentle reader: you simply cannot sustain going Mach 5 with your hair on fire.
It might be time to start cultivating a new speed.
P.S. For the rest of 2023, you have individual and group options to work with me!
#1 → Three hours together in nature, slowing down, pondering, listening, hearing your inner wisdom + Truth. It’s called “An Outside Perspective.” CLICK HERE to schedule.
#2 → Three months together where we’ll dive DEEP into what you’re tolerating and WHY, and transform one or two specific areas of life from “meh” to MARVELOUS. CLICK HERE to schedule time to talk with me.
#3 → Six months together in a Quest to resolve the gap between your outwardly successful-looking but internally unsatisfying life (professionally and/or personally) because this internal itchiness you feel can’t go on. CLICK HERE to schedule time to chat.
Forest Therapy Experiences (September thru December). Click here to learn more and to reserve your spot. Limited to 12 per session.
Fireside Experiences (September thru December). These small group experiences merge the power of Coaching + Wayfinding with the power of Nature’s elements. Dates + locations TBA soon! Limited to 10 per session.