Seth Godin recently wrote about this idea of “school vs. progress.” In it, he says we are indoctrinated (through our schooling) to maintain the status quo. To not rock the boat. But/and, this leads to statis. Sameness. And, in my estimation of working with a whole lotta people, it leads to suffering.
Instead, try this:
- Lead instead of follow
- Innovate, don’t copy
- Take responsibility rather than prioritizing authority
- Cooperate or Cooperation instead of outright competition
- Invent, don’t comply
- ASK rather than answer
- Possibility vs “right, proper, or correct” answer
There’s a process that involves “un-becoming” your habits. Undoing the way you’ve always done things. Discovering what you’d rather do, from a place of alignment, integrity, and a deep inner knowing (peace).
I’d like to invite you to consider joining me in January for “Un-becoming.” This six-month Wayfinding Journey is practice of un-doing, un-being, and becoming…un-becoming in the best ways.
If this sounds interesting to you (and you’ll know it by how you feel reading this), then stay tuned for more information in early December.
And if you want to be SURE that I know you’re interested, then hit REPLY to this post and just say so. I’ll make sure you get the right info.