A couple weeks ago, my hubby and I had the crazy awesome pleasure of watching a few talented musicians do their thing. Mike Guggino and Mike Ashworth are of Steep Canyon Rangers fame and were joined by musicians/singer songwriter Sarah Siskind and Travis Book of The Infamous Stringdusters. There were AMAZING and put on a terrific show for a packed house in a small, intimate venue here in Brevard, NC.
At one point as they were deciding what to play next, one of the Mikes said:
“Hey, we can do whatever we want. I mean, we don’t know what we’re doing. We’re just making it up as we go along.”
I felt a huge rush of joy and gratitude hearing him say that.
“We’re just making it up as we go along.”
In essence, these musicians were using their hard-earned gifts and talents, but were going with the flow, doing what felt good, and were making a venue full of people ridiculously happy while they were doing it.
Can it get any better than that?
I don’t think so.
And there’s a big lesson here for you, too.
Don’t know what to do? Make it up. Figure it out. Use the flavor of “fake it till you make it.” Get on stage and do it. Or sit down and write. Or pick up the phone and call. Or get thee into the studio and paint.
Get up. Show up.
Don’t shut up.
Try not to throw up.
But suit up and get in there. Use your gifts and talents. Lay the track as you’re rolling along. Build the next stair as you’re climbing. Add air when needed if you’re sinking. Nap…but get up again when you’ve rested enough.
In the end, we’re all just making it up as we go along. Some people just make up amazingly awesome stories for themselves (are YOU?).
It takes guts, and courage, and some bravado.
It can also require tenacity, stick-to-it-ive-ness, and gumption.
Show me what ya got!
Reminder about my “Live a Great Story” Retreat
I also wanted to make sure you’d heard about the retreat my friend Makeda Pennycooke and I are co-leading mid-April near Asheville, NC.
Our “Live a Great Story” Retreat is for you if you’re on the edge of something great, but aren’t sure how to get there…or if you’re swirling in the “I don’t know what to do” energies in your business or life.
- We won’t be swirling around circumstances – we’ll be digging into the stories you tell yourself (that you actually believe).
- It won’t be a weekend of therapy – it will be about learning to access your own inner wisdom.
- And it certainly won’t about figuring out what’s wrong with you – you are enough right here, right now.
Makeda and I will guide you to re-write your story – the story about the talented, fabulous, gifted, amazing real YOU.
Details and registration – click here.
Any questions? Reach out – I’m happy to chat!
Make some room,
Angie Mattson Stegall
P.S. Through my weekly eNotes, I’ve been surprised and delighted to hear from several men who are interested in attending this type of retreat! I’m talking to a couple of other facilitators about creating a retreat for men, led by men (and perhaps co-led by me) and/or a retreat for men and their wives. Stay tuned!