Not everyone is a good client for my style of coaching (aka Wayfinding + Executive LIFE Coaching).
But for those who ARE an ideal fit, something MAGIC happens.
I hear things like:
“For the first time in my life, [this weekend at my birthday party] I felt filled with love….the love was there all along, yet I was never able to see it or feel it. I wouldn’t let myself. And I was finally able to. It was and is so beautiful and I thank you for guiding me on this incredible journey of growth and love.”
“I’m actually moving towards my passions, methodically carving out my ideal career path. Angie guided and supported me in taking steps to change old behavior patterns into new and healthy ones.”
“I’ve reduced some long-held fears about who I am and what I can become by flipping the script on myself.”
“Thank you so much for that, Angie! I don’t have a lot of people who speak to [Client’s name] the Human, and so when it happens, it’s very touching.”
The words above are direct quotes from clients who dug deep. They got quiet. They practiced NOTICING. And they began questioning EVERYTHING.
In doing that, they began transforming themselves one small step, one tiny pivot, and one powerful new story at a time.
It’s the BEST work and I am so fortunate to connect with women and men who are ready for it.
MANY of my clients are C-suite executives. They have fancy titles at big-deal companies. Many of them are multi-millionaires.
AND – each one of them is silently suffering.
If you find yourself struggling with the “looking like you’re winning outside but feeling like you’re dying inside” my style of coaching might be for you.
If you’re ready to take the first step towards ending your silent suffering…
AND you want total confidentiality…
AND you desire time to say whatever needs saying…
And you need actual TOOLS and STRATEGIES that WORK to transform your life…?
I can help.
PM me and let’s talk.