We meet up at the trailhead at a local nature preserve. He’s a COO of a $25 million company with a number of direct reports. The team is in the middle of a strategic planning process for the upcoming year.
He gets out of the car and stands in front of me, posture rigid, jaw tense. He sighs a big sigh.
I ask, “How are you today?”
Tall, shaved head, fit, deep voice. Powerful dude in front of me says, “You know, I have about 536 other things I need to be doing rather than spending these two hours with you.”
I nod. “I bet you do. And I’m glad you showed up anyway.” Then I suggest we start walking.
Two hours later we arrive back at the cars. Mr. Powerful is laughing and smiling. And, he’s captured three or four critical notes in his phone related to strategy and people.
“This was great,” he says with a relaxed smile. “I feel SO much better. And now I’ve got clarity, focus about what’s needed, and action steps. Thank you.”
This is a regular occurrence for people who coach with me. In cliché wording “they work ON their business instead of in it.”
Truthfully, what’s happening is UNPLUGGING and RELAXATION. Getting away from the buzzing fluorescent lights, the humming machines, and the chattering people. They work on THEMSELVES.
There’s power in going outside. There’s power breathing in clean, fresh air. In swinging your arms and moving your legs. Your brain is in a different “frame of mind.”
Relaxation = creativity
A 2-hour “appointment” away from the office gives you permission to unplug. You also get my intuition, nearly 20 years of business experience, and powerful questions you won’t expect.
If you’re ready for this kind of clarifying experience, I have TWO spots available for February. If one of them is yours, REPLY here and I’ll send you details.