Yesterday, I shared a post about a client who saw their dreams come true after speaking them out loud. It was a BIG dream. I shared a photo (above) about my dream to have a small, boutique retreat where my clients can come walk in nature with me.
Through this post, someone commented, “Nice to hear that dreams can come true. I am pretty good at making things happen, but sometimes I just don’t know what the realistic dream is.”
This started a really useful back-and-forth about what’s possible.
I replied, “Hmmm…I think the term “realistic” is a non-starter (a form of judgment we put on things to keep us “safe”). What dream(s) do you have? What step(s) can you take each day to move yourself towards that dream? Who do you need to BE (acting as if you already HAD the dream and making decisions from that frame of mind) that move you closer to that dream one teeny tiny turtle step at at time?”
This commenter replied, “I hear you, but the dream to win the lottery and never work again isn’t really realistic. That’s what I meant. But thanks for the motivation to think through this.”
I said very frankly, “I mean, the thing my client wasn’t really realistic either, but they took actions each and every day to be the kind of person who could do the thing. And there it is, in pictures from the weekend. AND, there’s been a 10 year lead up for this dream. SO – who do you need be, what actions do you need take, and what decisions do you need to make to have enough money to never work again? AND – how would that FEEL?”
And this is the secret to everything – we can have what we dream of. Will it be easy? Probably not if it’s BIG. Will it require us to work hard and maybe for a long time? Probably, especially if it’s BIG.
But it’s attainable with the right mindset, skillset, strategy, and goals. And with the right “heartset” –> you wanting it with all your heart and working towards it each day. We have to FEEL what it would FEEL like to actually have the thing we say we want.
The questions are:
- Do you want it bad enough?
- Do you DARE to GO FOR IT?
PS: Want some help with that? Send me a reply here and let’s talk!