My practice is built through referral, mostly. Some version of “Angie is wildly different than other coaches but she is very effective” is part of the email introduction. I’ve also heard, “She’s way more hippy than I ever thought I’d work with, but she’s very effective.” <–That one made me laugh out loud.
The people I end up working with? They confess to feeling worn out, nearing the “wall” professionally and personally. AND, they often have some secrets (including secret dreams) that for them are sometimes scary to even “speak into existence.”
If you are hitting a wall…
Finding yourself crying in frustration or despair before, during, or after work…or feeling yourself to be short-tempered…sleeping too much, etc…
If you’re asking the question, “Is this all there is to life?”
Or if you’re on the precipice, knowing change has to happen, but not sure how, where, or why…
Consider contacting me for a conversation. In my world, no secrets are too much, no secret dreams are too big, and everyone deserves to live a life that feels satisfying, fulfilling, and joyful.
PM me for a conversation.