What do snakes and shoelaces have in common?
On a trail, they look REALLY similar!
This past Wednesday, a client and I were hiking through the woods at the local nature preserve.
We were deep in conversation about 10x-ing life. “If you could spend $150k to make $1.5 million, would you do it?” I asked.
Just then, something on the trail caught my attention…it had a pattern and was a light tan color.
Because I hike barefooted or in Chaco sandals nearly year-round, I’m pretty alert to where I’m walking.
As I keyed in on this thing with the pattern on the ground, time slowed down. I no longer heard my client speaking and my vision focused down to a 2×6 inch space near the base of a tree.
I realized it was a piece of shoelace. The hiking kind…flat, patterned with colors, and tan. It was partially buried under some leaves and dirt. It blended. But it was undoubtedly a shoelace.
We continue walking…about 10 more feet…
I stop abruptly and then took a BIG step back. One hand out to stop my client and one hand pointing towards this little 12″ copperhead snake. A juvenile, but the looks of his little green tail.
Was the shoelace there to warn me of the snake? Was it an invitation to pay even closer attention to what was on the trail in front of me? Or was it just a random coincidence?
All I know is I breathed a breath of gratitude for my awareness of nature. For the signs She gives me when I slow down to pay attention.
We admired the little snake from a distance, giving her (him?) space. The snake was not one bit concerned about us. A flick of the tongue is the most we got.
Not a threat.
The snake finished crossing the trail and moved up into the leaf litter.
My client and I kept on walking for another 45 minutes.
And I hit my 10,000 steps goal by 10:15 am.
It was a great day of nature-based coaching!
Oh – and the question I asked my client about 10x-ing his life? He said, “HELL YES!” and I realized I was coaching myself in that same moment with the same question.