Testimonials warm my heart – especially the ones I receive without asking for them.
BUT – I freaking love the ones I ask for and GET, too.
So, I’m reaching out to a bunch of clients (past and current) asking for new testimonials.
Here’s just part of one I received recently:
“Before working with Angie, I was simply working my ass off in efforts to feel recognized, valued, and appreciated. I had high levels of stress; I lived by this false narrative that I was an ineffective communicator; I lacked fulfillment in life. My self-worth was based on what others thought about me, and I was at my wits end in my unilateral efforts to feel whole, valued, and competent. As I progressed with Angie, I began to be less anxious, sad and angry; more confident. My self-esteem was strengthened, and my self-confidence increased. It’s only the beginning of this journey, but Angie helped me begin living a life that is more meaningful and more focused on those things that are important to me. I feel better — I’m living better — I learned—I AM ENOUGH!!!” B.A., Austin, TX
The power of coaching is tremendous. Transformational, even.
Think you might be interested in a coaching journey with me? PM me to set up a time to chat. People are reserving spots now to begin coaching in January.