It’s been about a month since I wrote last. I had a perfect storm of health issues, family issues, and energy issues. Plus, add on moving and getting married this year and I was tapped out.
Other than working with current clients or people who approached me, I checked out. After five years of non-stop writing my newsletter up to two times per week…I stopped. After 13 years of consistent (relentless?) marketing…I stopped. After attending networking events almost weekly for 13 years, I stopped (well, mostly).
I desperately needed a break. So, I took one. And I feel so much better for it.
Something interesting happened during my break, though…
During my downtime, several business owners approached me (men and women) and confessed the way they were “being” in business wasn’t work for them anymore, either. When we sat down together, I heard words like:
- Exhausted
- Burned Out
- Depressed
- Sick
- Frustrated
- Without focus
- Overwhelmed
- Tired
- Fearful
- Over it
And the common thread among all of these folks: doing work vs. doing work they genuinely wanted to do.
And so I wonder, gentle reader, are you slogging through work each day because it’s there…
…or are you focused on doing work you genuinely want to do?
If you’re not doing work you genuinely want to do, why not?
I heard a lot of perfectly practical reasons from these business owners during my sessions in the past month. But I wasn’t buying into those reasons.
Happily, each of those folks who reached out gifted themselves something:
Working with me is like giving yourself the gift of time. Time and space to be vulnerable, honest, and to reflect on what’s working and what isn’t.
By the end of our session or day together, each of these folks began to see their own new possibilities. To fully admit what kind of work they wished they were doing (“…if there just wasn’t so much of the other work getting in the way!”)
Gentle reader, if you’re ready for some new possibilities…
If you’re dying to do work that lights you up…
But you just can’t quite make the time, find the energy, or muster the enthusiasm to go it alone…
Make Some Room,
P.S. Have you accepted my offer of experiencing what coaching is like with me? No? Then I invite you to join me in the experience. This first sessions is complimentary (yes, I’m perfectly serious). One session can change your outlook of what’s possible very quickly. Try me.