The more I work with people on the Wayfinding Journey, the more similarities I see.
Here’s a BIG one: women who feel WAY TOO MUCH as kids or young women. They don’t have the resources, tools, or ability to cope, so they shut. it. down.
Enter: walls. Numbing. Self-judgement. Hiding. Pretending. Fighting. Fleeing. Freezing. Frothing.
I know this journey and this woman because I WAS her. My M.O. was to FLEE. From conflict, from my feelings, from the bright shiny light of attention, even from expressions of love.
I just didn’t know how to handle them.
Turns out, I didn’t full know how to love and honor MYSELF. That journey was eye-opening and life-changing.
Watching Queer Eye episodes today, I saw a bit of that unfold for Angel. And I grabbed a couple of quotes that are the EPITOME of “I have fully learned to LOVE ME.”
I adore Queer Eye – their loving acceptance, their empowerment, and their kindness. I don’t always understand the fashion choices, but I can accept them. 😉
Have you been on the journey towards radically loving and accepting yourself? The one where you feel ALL your feelings and welcome them…no matter what?
I love this journey, because as we begin to truly love ourselves, our heart opens and we begin to fall in love with everyone and everything.
I am you and you are me and we are truly…WE.
It’s magic. It’s mystery. And, it’s oh-so-human. <3