This morning’s exercise was so fun! Nope, I didn’t go running. Or biking. Or kayaking. In fact, I never even left my office.
What kind of exercise did I do?
I virtually organized a home-based business owner’s office.
Yes. Virtually. This particular business owner lives in Louisiana. she’d commented a few times on Twitter and Facebook about how disorganized and chaotic she was feeling. I offered to help her solve this in about half an hour. It would have been FAR too expensive to travel to her home to organize such a small space.
Here’s how it worked — we used email and the phone to quickly lay out a plan. She sent me half a dozen pictures of the room she worked in, we reviewed each of them, targeted the biggest areas of disorganization and clutter and found creative and easy solutions for her to implement.
Things like:
In a half-hour phone conversation, we solved a number of problems that will allow her to create a clutter-free workspace. Her comment at the end, “I’m feeling more peaceful already.”
Are you ready to create some order and find peace and calm in your home office workspace? If so, give Mattson Business Services, Inc. a call at (704) 553-8082 or email [email protected] today.
Thanks for posting this very helpful information; I happened to come to your blog just searching around the web. Please keep up the good work!