“Our job in this life is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.” – Steven Pressfield in “The War of Art”
THIS is the art of TAKING AWAY.
–> Removing what isn’t essentially you.
–> Stripping away rules and expectations you don’t agree with.
–> Chipping away armor that developed to keep us safe (while simultaneously working to KNOW you are safe and always have your own back).
–> Pulling out anything that isn’t in integrity (wholeness, one-thing) with your Essential Self.
–> Scrubbing off anything that feels old, itchy, or ill-fitting.
THIS is process that REVEALS who you TRULY are.
And you’ll start getting comments from people like, “You are GLOWING!”
Then you know you’re on the right path – back towards yourself, your heart, your Soul.
That’s my woo-woo message for this Monday. Ha!