“What are you noticing?”
It’s become the question I come back to over and over when I work with leaders.
- What are you noticing about your body? [tension, ease, openness, breath]
- What are you noticing about your emotions? [mad, sad, scared glad]
- What are you noticing about your leadership? [stale, on fire, dialed in, wanting]
- What re you noticing about your team? [stressed, apathetic, engaged, energized]
- What are you noticing about your industry? [changing, shifting, energized, unsure]
This question is so powerful – and becomes even MORE powerful when you practice the skill of noticing everywhere in your life in tiny ways:
–> exercise – how does this movement feel?
–> eating – how does my body respond to this food?
–> waking up – how was my sleep quality [no fancy tech needed]
–> working – how engaged am I feeling in *this* moment?
And you can go deeper.
Spend 20 minutes outside every day. No agenda, no doing, no “effort-ing.” Just observing.
This practice will change EVERYTHING about how you answer the question “what are you noticing?”
I made a quick video to explain. (CLICK HERE to watch)
And if you want to experience the power of An Outside Perspective, give me two hours with you in nature. You’ll tune into your senses, notice more, and then you’ll ask more powerful questions about everything based on your noticing. And, you’ll come to more aligned, powerful next steps, too.
DM me and let’s get something on the calendar for you and your leadership team.
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