A wonderful testimonial from a current client:
“The Sparketype Assessment helped me realize what I enjoy doing. Now, looking at my calendar and To Do lists, getting rid of those two obligations will allow me the time to do more of the things I enjoy. So, whether or not this [future] promotion happens, I’m saying just on a day-to-day basis, I could do more of what I enjoy, right? That was a nice realization after our Sparketype conversation last week. Now that I’m clear: I’ll be spending my time how I want to, with things that I enjoy doing. So that’s huge! Yeah!”
This client is an accomplished professional at a major university. They are working to craft a clear future career path while also not adding MORE to their plate. We had a fair bit of conversation about the fear of not succeeding as not being a good reason to keep doing work you don’t enjoy. All that busyness could be a cover for avoiding failure OR success.
I love working through the Sparketype Assessment with my people at least a month after we’ve started our coaching + wayfinding sessions together.
The conversations are rich and full of examples and stories when the Sparketype is right and some beautiful pushback when things don’t quite “fit.”
Interested in knowing your Sparketype (the impulses that make you come alive)?
DM and I’ll happily send you a link to take the free assessment for yourself!