I recently had a stand-alone session with a long-term client who had a BIG opportunity open up before her.
The backstory with this client is amazing – a TRUE Wayfinder’s Journey – which I’ll share in another post.
But I wanted to talk about this stand-alone session with this client and the BIG opportunity. She called because she was feeling unsure about how to proceed. Unsure about how to decide.
She’d mentioned the opportunity to a few friends and family members and most gave a thumbs up. A few had concerns, but after some conversation, became a thumbs up, too.
And yet…she still was looking for further clarity.
We started our session with a conversation. I asked a few questions and then we did an exercise to see what her INTERNAL COMPASS (her personal and individual Wayfinder’s Compass) had to say about the opportunity.
See, the mind lies to us. It’s so sneaky. It gets all clogged up with “should” and “have to” and “I don’t know.”
But the BODY…it doesn’t lie.
And once we know how the body feels about something (that Wayfinder’s COMPASS again), then we can use our MIND to take right action. We may only get the next right step, but that is enough to begin moving forward.
In this client’s case, she identified that a few questions were unanswered. She identified some logistical items she needed. But her Wayfinder’s Compass – the internal one that doesn’t lie – was giving a thumbs up to proceed with fact-gathering.
Her spouse joked when she scheduled our session, “Oh, so is Angie going to tell you what to do?”
My job is only always to connect you to your truth using your internal Wayfinder’s compass.
PS: Other happenings
- Be Wilder! Backpacking + Wayfinding Adventure (April 8 – 10). Currently SOLD OUT.
- Mind & Body Wellness Weekend at Earthshine Lodge in Rosman, NC. Details: Mind & Body Wellness Weekend at Earthshine Lodge