Friday night found me attending a fly-fishing film festival at our local Oscar Blues Brewery. Being that I neither drink beer nor fly-fish, I wasn’t completely sure what I was in for. The first short film started and I have to say, I was hooked (heh). With good music, awesome camera angles, and a lot […]
Beware the business police
I got amazingly great responses to Tuesday’s blog about slowing down. One reader even said, “We are so used to the go, go, go that just sitting and enjoying watching the birds singing feels like the business police will be banging on our door.” You feel so much pressure to go, go, go, don’t you? […]
How not to be stressed out, confused, and overwhelmed
We live in a world that is incredibly fast-paced, don’t we? Instant messaging, one-click ordering, DVRing, short articles, pay with your phone, “click to accept terms” (no reading all that lawyer-speak required), texts, one-minute How To videos, 10-second sound bites, news tickers, and more. It’s exciting, isn’t it? Read it all, see it all, have […]
Daring (and failing spectacularly)
In the fall of 2012, I finished and published my first book. It was a proud moment and allowed me to check a huge item off my Bucket List. In order to spread the word about my book, I decided to be daring. I wanted to do some hard-core marketing and PR. One of the […]
Urgent vs Important (and quieting the urgent drumbeat)
I’m listening to a new book during my “Car University” time (which is me driving 45 minutes back and forth to Asheville or two hours back and forth to Charlotte – both bigger cities where my clients tend live). I’m only a couple of chapters in and already a theme is jumping out at me. […]
Conquering technology with training (2nd Interview) In our last installment about conquering technology once and for all, I interviewed Asheville-based Jensen Gelfond with Asheville Digital Lifestyle. Today, we hear from Julie LaChance with Charlotte-based RMS Solutions, Inc. Highlights from my 20-minute conquering technology interview with Julie include: Who she can help in the battle to conquer technology as it changes How […]