There’s an enormous number of…things…happening in this world that make it feel upside down. One way to ground yourself and bring you back to your warm, solid center is through FOREST BATHING. Option #1: Visit my website to learn about various options for forest bathing in Belmont at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden and at Turtle […]
Charlotte-area peeps – let’s go forest bathing indoors!
You know what reliably calms your brain and nervous system? FOREST BATHING! And, since it’s the time of the cold months (hello, February and March), this opportunity for Forest Bathing has been renamed “Tropical Forest Bathing!” Join me at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden’s Williamson Conservatory in Belmont, NC for a guided forest bathing experience INDOORS! […]
If you’re feeling some things about this time we’re living in…
IF you’re feeling the absurdity of this moment… IF you’re feeling the upside down-ness of the world… IF you’re feeling like it’s now or never to find your warm, powerful center and HOLD IT like never before… IF you have some suspicions that how you’ve been doing things is no longer serving you… IF you […]
In a topsy-turvy world, surround yourself with good people
A friend and I were talking yesterday about having things to look forward. My husband and I speak about this often as well. When the world is upside down, having exciting things to look forward to MATTERS. Could I invite you to join me in something exciting? Actually there are two things to choose from […]
Stop doing your normal things
“If you really want to see why you do things, then don’t do them and see what happens.” ~ Michael Singer in The Untethered Soul This is a powerful idea: stop doing the “normal” things. Notice what happens. Here’s a way to REALLY step into this: GO ROGUE with me and Sylke Laine. Going rogue […]
Feeling feisty
Last week I had a Zoom call with a friend who also happens to be a coach. We were comparing/discussing the state of the world, the coaching industry, and what the hell we’re doing with our lives/businesses. Here’s a few things I know for sure: #1: I’m NOT leaving FB. There are too many people […]