I was working with a client, a construction contractor, to help him get a handle on his disorganization. He described one particular area that was stressing him out. I had the perfect solution for him!
Rather than “tell the story” here, I made a quick video.
His result? More tax deductions, better invoicing and billing clients, more accurate auditing job costs, and significantly less stress! Cool, huh?
P.S. Starting in February, my pro organizing associate Gail and I aim to help many more small business owners discover how easy it is to have an organized office, free of piles, and a pleasure to work in. Details coming soon!
I used an expandable file much like the one you demonstrate to organize all of the receipts, forms, and papers associated with my grandfather’s estate. He lived in Minnesota and I live in Seattle, so I needed a portable system that I could carry with me while I was in Minnesota gathering the papers, that I could easily take on the plane home, AND use while finishing up everything back home in Seattle. It worked beautifully! I didn’t lose any documents and was able to file everything on time. In fact, being so organized helped me claim $2,000 that was due the estate, but that would have be impossible to claim without the right paperwork.
Organization doesn’t have to be complicated. It just has to work.
You hit the nail on the head, Lesa! Complicated isn’t necessary – the solution just has to work!