Yesterday, one of my readers emailed me and said:
Good morning, Angie! Thanks, as always, for making things so clear, and stating them so succinctly. Your blog made me think of this scene from Star Wars. You are the organizational Yoda!!! 🙂
I love hearing stuff like this. It makes me all shiny and happy.
And yet…it’s true. And I say it without a trace of modesty.
My superpower is my ability to organize anything.
And still, I don’t know it all and don’t pretend to. Technology confounds me sometimes. I use my own business coach or consultants when I want to get better at something. And I’m constantly reading to learn more.
How are you investing in your own growth? In what ways are you developing your unique skills and talents to the point that someone can declare your version of being an “organizational yoda?”
If you’re ready to see how systems can actually create space for your unique Yoda-ness, then I’m compelled to remind you today is the very last day to take advantage of the special pricing and goodies for my upcoming Five Essential Business Systems Retreat.
This is your unique opportunity to see how systems can allow you to do less and do it well. And how doing this can open time, space, money, and energy to focus on your own special version of Organizational Yoda-ness – whatever that might look like for you.
Go right now and check out the details of the retreat and join us. It’s going to be a packed day, full of information, and fun, too. I mean, yesterday I spoke to a group of business owners and used the phrase “It’s like sticking your finger up your prospect’s nose.” You’d have had to be there to understand, but it got a good laugh.
The retreat will be fun and impactful – this Organizational Yoda wouldn’t have it any other way.