One this first day of 31 Notes from Nature, let’s practice something deceptively simple: find your stillness. I took this photo one fall day when I was out hiking in the Coconino National Forest. After crashing around in the woods having a great time I stumbled across this miracle: a natural chair. It literally said […]
You can sleep when you’re dead
You know the saying, “You can sleep when you’re dead”…? I hate that saying. You know why? Cuz if I don’t sleep, I wish I was dead. I’m a minimum of nine hours, but sometimes 12 hour sleeper. If I don’t get that much, I’m cranky, headachy, and not good for much. I feel some […]
Being bold and brave 14 seconds at at time
In June of this year, I gave the morning keynote talk at the Western Women’s Business Center’s annual conference. I spoke about my Grand Canyon trip, which also inspired my fourth book Make Some Room, and how I learned to be bold and brave 14 seconds at a time. If you’re interested in watching the 20 […]
Life has meaning in the struggle
There is a Swahili saying that I’ve been clinging to recently: Life has meaning in the struggle. Triumph or defeat is in the hands of the gods…. so let us celebrate the struggles.” I haven’t written a blogpost here for awhile, partly because I’ve been writing more regularly through my personal blog Yukon & Bean, […]
Understanding your WHY
Once, a client of mine tried to introduce me to his team. He looked over at me and said, “I don’t know what to call you because you won’t tell me.” I’ve had this problem for several years, but I think I’m starting to get a handle on it. I am a coach and a […]
Taking care of your “truthache”
Through many years of coaching and consulting with people, I’ve come to realize they always come to me with a “Truthache.” It usually masquerades as a problem declared like this: If I could just find the right system… If I could just get organized… If I could just get some good help… If I could […]